Sunday, March 11, 2012

BachelorNation: Anyone Else Play Bengo?


With the Bachelor season finale looming over us in less than 24 hours, we are gearing up for the “most dramatic season final yet!” (Thank you, Chris Harrison). Standing by for the big event are fake roses, expertly picked out cocktail attire and a stack of BENGO. Somewhere in a retirement community Bingo is wallowing in self-pity over this caricature. Bengo’s fields are hilariously Bachelor-esque: Ben staring off into the distance with inner monologue; “Are you nervous;” “Fallen for Ben” “My biggest fear” “Connection” and other clichés the franchise has capitalized on over the lifetime of the series.

At first it seemed like Bengo was a perfectly natural addition to our Monday night ritual. But after further reflection I realized that I am dismayed with the show and that Bengo is the necessary ingredient to keep my interest piqued. Over 16 seasons of the Bachelor there has yet to be a successful – never mind happy – ending. (Flip-flopping does not count. Sorry, Jason).  So forgive me if I am not buying into the concept of journey to true love or that these people “have never had stronger feelings for anybody else.” The women are always “incredible.” I am fairly certain that ABC gives the contestants a sheet with approved adjectives and phrases. Either that, or the Bachelors have had very poor communication skills.

In light of the poor results, it is no wonder that I look for entertainment in other facets of the Bachelor. Bengo certainly helps. But Courtney has been the true star of my Bachelor season. Say what you will, the girl is beautiful and endlessly entertaining. The other contestants complained about Courtney’s drive to win as if they came for the big sleepover. If I were Ben I’d want the one that wants me.

Courtney had a tough time on the show because she spoke her mind. Her mind, seemingly spiteful and venomous, presented a problem for the other girls. But not for me. Not because I don’t  believe in true love. I very much do. I just do not believe it can be found on the Bachelor. I think it’s time to stop pretending that we are watching this show because we are romantics and admit that this is a guilty pleasure. If we just embrace it for what it is – the drama we crave but hope stays far away from our personal lives –  we will all come to appreciate Courtney for the immense entertainment value she brought to the show and hope for a Courtney each season.

She was in it to win it and I respect that. Did the other girls not come to win? Don’t get me wrong, I love my girlfriends. But if one of them was going after my boyfriend I would deliver the kill-shot too.

 credit: Picktainment

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